Monday, March 14, 2011

Am I there yet?

So, I cannot believe that our program is half way over. We just reached the nine week mark, and there are 18 total. In a way I feel like I just got here, and in another way I feel like I have been here forever. Mostly, I just feel like I have been away from my family forever. Maybe distance and time are correlated... the further away, the longer the time seems that you are apart.

I never thought that studying abroad would be such a serious experience. It hasn't been academically serious, I mean I have learned a lot, but I expected that. I have however, seriously, learned so much about myself. Which is maybe something I expected but I didn't know to what extent. I have learned what kind of person I am, what I need to work on, and what I'm good at (that's the hardest). I'm trying my best to stay positive. I do believe this experience will forever change me.

Also I feel a little bit more like I belong here, in Granada. I am more than just a tourist passing through for a visit. But, I also think once I feel completely comfortable it will be time to leave. The transition period has been long and difficult at times, however, I have a slight feeling of accomplishment, like "wow I didn't just think about doing that, I actually did it." Usually they are just simple things, like answering a complex question in class, responding to a conversation without translating in my head first, ordering at a restaurant or asking for instructions at the metro station. I still have A LOT to work on, but as rough as it may be I feel like I can communicate with my Spanish. That is what I wanted all along, and I still have 9 weeks. It can only get better from here!


  1. Hey Lindsay! I think it's great that you can see where you have improved. Sometimes when things are difficult it's hard to see the positives, so good job reflecting on that stuff! I'm glad you are starting to find where you fit in!

  2. "It can only get better from here!"

    And it will, Dear Heart. You've already proven that you're a pretty tough young lady. We believe in you.

    Love you more,

  3. Fantastico! : ) I can't help but say "told you so!" : ) So glad that you are learning tons, and also reflecting deeply on life and how that experience is shaping you Lindsay. In my experience that reflection does not stop taking place, although we give more directed attention to it at different times.

    Lindsay, I'm very proud of you, but more than that, I am just thrilled of how you are integrating this experience so nicely. Remember when you come back that the Lilly Project on campus has nice workshops and even a retreat for students who just arrived from a study abroad experience. I recommend them. : )

    Be well, and may the next 9 weeks be as full and learning filled,

