Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two suitcases, packed and ready to go...

So, I'm leaving today. Well technically tomorrow, but at 2:00 in the morning. I head to Madrid for a 5 hour lay over and then to the United States. Philadelphia, Denver, Boise. I'll be home around midnight. I can't believe it's over.

I'm not quite sure what to do with my final hours in Granada. I don't want to waste them, but what is the best way not to? We have a group dinner tonight, one last chance to say goodbye to everybody. Mostly, I am sad to leave because I don't know when I'll come back. Granada has become a city I associate with my life, it is a part of me, and now I must leave it. But, I am returning to the arms of my family, and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't want to leave at all. I am picturing that dramatic movie finale when the main character runs in slow motion into the arms of their loved ones (insert slow romantic song here). Maybe I'm being a little over emotional but I haven't seem my family in 5 months, and that is the longest I have ever gone without seeing them. I am beyond excited. I want to savor my last moments in Granada, but considering I am going to be traveling for about 24 hours, I would also like to get a move on.

Anyways, please stay tuned. I plan to do a couple more blogs when I return home in conclusion with my physical journey. But as you know, and as I've learned, experiences like this stay with you forever, and the effect they have on mental growth is ever changing and expanding. Hasta luego Granada, it's been fun.

This is what is waiting for me at home... <3

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