Sunday, January 30, 2011

Benny Fernando

This is Benny Fernando, a sweet little monkey that was lent to my by wonderful advisor at Willamette. He let me borrow Benny Fernando while I was going through a tough time in my life. I often come across rough points since I do try to have relationships with other people and naturally everything does not always go perfectly. My advisor said "This monkey has helped me through some tough times, and I hope he can do the same for you." Benny Fernando did help me because I knew he had once been of help to another person very special to me. I eventually gave him back, but I told my advisor I wanted to take the monkey to Spain. I decided to name him Benny Fernando because the little tag on his behind says his name is Benny, and then I added the Fernando part. Fernando, because of the Lady GaGa song my mom and I love so much. The picture of him was taken at my home in Idaho, during the holidays (Nacho, his head still smells like "home for the holidays" too). So far Benny has yet to leave my bed here in Granada, but I vow to get him out of the house soon! It's nice to have a little monkey companion who I know carries a lot of love with him.

Unlike Benny Fernando, I have been out of the house. And, I still can't get over the contrast of two different worlds in this city. This past weekend I visited the oldest part of Granada, el Albyzin. We saw the oldest cathedral built in Granada, and there were water features left from the 11th and 14th century. The picture perfect white houses, grated windows, and cobblestone roads were just that, picture perfect. I am not the best photographer but my pictures of Albyzin are beautiful. The view of the Alhambra was not bad either.

Albyzin has a very strong arab/muslim history and culture because during the "conquista" of Granada the Muslims were forced to move, and this is where they settled. The weather was nice, a little cold, but sunny. Which was good because Albyzin is quite a walk and mostly uphill. The group who went on Sunday encountered snow! A rarity in Granada.

After Albyzin I spent my Saturday night with some lovely ladies enjoying the city. Our time in a few different bars, restaurants, and even a discotec (dance club) seemed very upscale, and modern from the Albyzin district. It was crazy to think just that morning I had been in a place almost 1,000 years old, and now I was in a room blasting the latest hip hop music with streaks of neon light darting across the walls and ceiling.

Two worlds are separated only by hills and streets. These two places are so different from one another yet, they exist together. And, Granada would not be the same without either one.

1 comment:

  1. You are too kind Lindsay! I'm glad that Benny Fernando is still with you and keeping you good company. Home for the Holidays sounds like a wonderful fragrance to have on a monkey's head! : )

    It sounds as if your experience so far has been quite rewarding. I'm glad for all that learning that happens outside the classroom Lindsay. Keep it up, and please take good care of yourself. We miss you here. Your shots, and the town look lovely. One of these days I will have to visit Spain.

    P.S. Tiara got accepted to the Syracuse University grad program!
