Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two suitcases, packed and ready to go...

So, I'm leaving today. Well technically tomorrow, but at 2:00 in the morning. I head to Madrid for a 5 hour lay over and then to the United States. Philadelphia, Denver, Boise. I'll be home around midnight. I can't believe it's over.

I'm not quite sure what to do with my final hours in Granada. I don't want to waste them, but what is the best way not to? We have a group dinner tonight, one last chance to say goodbye to everybody. Mostly, I am sad to leave because I don't know when I'll come back. Granada has become a city I associate with my life, it is a part of me, and now I must leave it. But, I am returning to the arms of my family, and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't want to leave at all. I am picturing that dramatic movie finale when the main character runs in slow motion into the arms of their loved ones (insert slow romantic song here). Maybe I'm being a little over emotional but I haven't seem my family in 5 months, and that is the longest I have ever gone without seeing them. I am beyond excited. I want to savor my last moments in Granada, but considering I am going to be traveling for about 24 hours, I would also like to get a move on.

Anyways, please stay tuned. I plan to do a couple more blogs when I return home in conclusion with my physical journey. But as you know, and as I've learned, experiences like this stay with you forever, and the effect they have on mental growth is ever changing and expanding. Hasta luego Granada, it's been fun.

This is what is waiting for me at home... <3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Place I Call Home

“Don’t be sad that it’s over, be happy that it happened.”

~ Dr. Suess

(I realize I am quoting Dr. Suess again, but this quote fits perfectly with what I am going to say.)

When I was traveling home from Greece I just kept subconsciously thinking “I want to get back home,” meaning Granada. Of course my home will always be in Idaho and with my family, but when one becomes comfortable enough to say someplace is home, it’s evident that that place has become very significant in their life. I will always think of Granada as my first home in Europe, who knows what the future holds. I have grown to love it here. I am very excited to return to my family, but I find myself torn.

The other day, I took the long way home from school, so I could walk through more sunlit streets, open plazas, and more of Granada. The weather was beautiful; I got a coffee and sat in my favorite plaza for an hour. I just sat, and thought about my experiences being abroad. I got a little emotional, realizing how much I would miss moments like that, and how much I would miss certain things about Granada. I have said before (this seems to come up in every post), it hasn’t always been easy, actually I have had some of the most difficult times of my life here, but I would never trade my semester in Granada. I am so glad I made the decision to come.

I will miss my walk to school every morning, passing graffiti art, the little tiendas along the road, café tables in the street, and walking between two apartment buildings on the narrow cobblestone streets, and looking up to the sky. I will miss café con leche, getting tapas with mi amigas, and not getting carded when I order a drink. I will miss my host mom, Maria Jose. I will miss the fountains, and I will miss the little bits of history mixed in with the modern.

I can’t wait to bring my family back here someday, to show them my city and where I lived. But, even if I come back someday it will never be the same as is it right now. Just like how I love journeying back from the Willamette library at night, walking through the campus, so serene, and returning to my dorm or apartment. I can’t imagine the feeling ever being the same if I was not a student at Willamette. But, even though I am sad to see it end next year, being a student at Willamette is a feeling I will never forget and am proud to have had the experience, just like the feeling of studying abroad in Spain, and being able to say I lived in Europe for a semester. This experience has forever changed me, I will never forget the lessons I've learned and the obstacles I have overcome. Hopefully, I also won't forget the Spanish I have learned. :)

I’m glad I can say “I’m sad to leave Granada, a place I call home.”

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Solo traveler

I recently went to Greece, alone. What an amazing place, and what an amazing experience. I am so thankful I had the opportunity, although I missed my family more than ever, because normally I travel with them. But I do think traveling solo is something everyone should try.

I started off my adventure in Athens. I got to visit the Acropolis, the Parthenon, the Temple of Zeus, and the Agora. I was in the presence of ancient Greek spirit, I felt a little nerdy thinking Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates walked here once, but the feeling was quite incredible. I will never forget it. It's amazing to me that these structures are still standing as they are. The Temple of Hephaistos is the best preserved of its kind, in the world, and it dates back to 460-415 B.C. How incredible is that? Now crumbling and covered in overgrowth these structures were once new and a vital part of city life. I tried to imagine myself as an ancient Greek walking through the Agora (city center), visiting the civic offices, and viewing the speaker's platform, maybe even listening to Aristotle himself. Now only foundations and partial columns remain, but I tried to imagine the scene as it once was, people living there just like you and I.

After two days I made my way to Mykonos, a small island about a 2 and a half hour ferry ride away from Athens. It was a very picturesque. The island felt a little lonely because it was so small, and the weather wasn't that great. Those factors made it difficult to meet people. But, since it was raining so much I got a lot of shopping done! I spent most of my time right along the water front, as that is how the town is situated.
I enjoyed some delicious cappucinos, the Greeks make them well, and some amazing views. I would go back to Mykonos, but next time bring a friend with me.

Santorini was my third stop. The bad weather continued. But, I couldn't let that keep me from seeing a place I had waited so long visit. Santorini is beautiful. My first night I just wandered the down town area, taking in the sights and some food. The next day I signed up for a boat cruise of the island. Guess what? It was raining, but I was trying not to think about it while we treked to the top of an active volcano. I felt the hot steam seeping out from the ground.

We ended our tour in Oie (a small town of Santorini) with the weather beginning to cooperate. I met two girls on the boat tour and we decided to explore the town together. We had an amazing afternoon and evening, taking pictures and finding the house they used in the film "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." Even though I probably won't ever see them again, it was great to have someone to share the moment with.

My trip to Greece was a success. I have wanted to go there for so long, and I can't believe it happened so soon. I think I got lost at least once a day, but that was part of the adventure. More importantly, I learned how to enjoy my time by myself. Seeing the Parthenon was an unbelievable moment, however I reacted differently than I would have if I had been with someone who was excited to see it too. Because I was alone, my reaction was different than I imagined it, but I learned that doesn't mean I appreciated the opportunity any less.

I was in Greece for a week and got to see some amazing things, and throughout my journey I learned a lot about myself. Independent has always been a word I use to describe my personality, however this trip gave me a new confidence, because I found out I can enjoy amazing things alone, and I discovered this for myself. I did it.